Pencil | Static documentation website generator

All the options are in the pencil.config.js file. This file returns a JavaScript object with all the options that Pencil must use to build your site.

Creates the <head> section for your site. Tags can be defined as an Array of Objects like tag-name: [{attribute-name: value ...}, ...]. For example, to include meta, script tags:

module.exports: {
  head: {
    meta: [
      { charset: 'UTF-8' },
      { name: 'description', content: 'Hello Pencil' }
    script: [
      { src: '/scripts.js' }
    title: 'Pencil site'

Title must be added using a different syntax.

theme-color meta tag is not supported. Use themeColor option

Defines a global title of your entire site. Pages not using a specific title would fallback to this title.

Title for a specific page can be specified using front matter.

Creates the navigation bar on the site. General syntax is

[ 'linkText', options ]

Objects are not used as this syntax allows you to use multiple links with same name, but different URLs.

The array can take a mix of the following values:

Links can be created by passing a String value in the options. Therefore, ['linkText', 'linkURL'] syntax is used for creating links.

To open a link in new tab, the newTab option must be passed in an object instead of 'linkURL'. So, the syntax becomes:

['linkText', {
  link: 'linkURL',
  newTab: true

Static text can be created by just adding a String value. This can be useful when you want to display some text throughout the site.

Drop-down menus are supported upto a single level depth. This can be created using a syntax similar to Links. An array is passed in the options. For example:

['Foo', [
  [ 'Bar', '#' ],
  [ 'Baz', {
    link: '#baz',
    newTab: true

Within the array, you can include additional links, text following the same syntax mentioned above.

The following example illustrates how to create a navigation bar with links, text, drop-down menus.

module.exports = {
  navigation: [
    ['Foo', '#'], // Standard link
    ['Google', {  // Open in new tab link
      newTab: true,
      link: ''
    'Hello World', // Text,
    ['Menu', [  // Drop down menu
      ['1', '#'] 

Drop-down menus are supported in Header navigation.
Drop-up menus are supported in Footer.

Adds a logo to the header of all the web pages. A valid path to the file must be given.

It is recommended to include all images other than markdown files in the static folder. Read more

Files within static folder are in the root directory of the site. Hence the file path must be given, assuming that the file exists in the root. Read more on file paths

Sets the main theme color of the website. This color is also used to set the theme-color meta tag. Value of this option must be in a valid CSS color format.

This color can be used within the plugin styles, and is used deeply within the core CSS styles.

Enables the dark theme for the site. The Boolean type is used if you want to set the dark theme by default for all the pages in the site.

Additionally, an Object can be passed with other options given below:

Sets the dark theme by default for the entire site. It is the same as directly setting darkTheme: true.

If enabled, a toggle button would be shown in the header, that would allow the user to switch between light/dark themes as per their convenience. This also makes use of session storage, to store the user theme choice for the particular session.

This object is used to load the plugins that would be used in Pencil while development. The syntax used is { tagName: 'plugin-path' }. tagName defines the custom tag that would be used in markdown to use the specified plugin.

Following plugins configuration comes with the starter template of Pencil:

plugins: {
  callout: 'plugins/callout.js',
  youtube: 'plugins/youtube.js',

Storing the plugin files in plugins folder is not mandatory.

Use a tagName that is different from HTML5 tags for the plugins to avoid conflicts and errors.

Creates the sidebar navigation. It follows the same syntax as the navigation object. Read more on navigation syntax.
Additionally, sidebar also supports plugins :tada:. For example, to use the callout plugin:

sidebar: [
  ['callout', {
    type: 'success',
    children: 'Hello World'

So the plugin tag name is used as the first element in array, followed by an object which includes the attribute/value pairs. children key is used to set innerText of the plugin element.

Array of strings of path to additional CSS files to be included in the build process. All the styles are bundled, minified together.

Array of strings of path to additional JavaScript files to be included in the build process. All the scripts are bundled, minified together.

Creates the footer of the site. It follows the same syntax as the navigation object. Read more on navigation syntax