Pencil | Static documentation website generator

Pencil site template comes with a pre-defined directory structure, that should be used while creating your site. You should probably have a structure that looks like this:

├─ src
│  └─
├─ plugins
│  ├─ callout.js
│  └─ youtube.js
└─ pencil.config.js

Certain folders are neccessary for the functioning of Pencil. Additionally, some folders are optional, and should be used only if you are using that specific feature of Pencil. They can be found below.

This folder contains all the markdown files that will be converted to HTML pages. Additional subfolders can be added here for better grouping of content.

Never add images, or other media files to the src folder. They should be added to the static folder instead.

These folders are optional, and must be added, only if those features are being used.

This folder contains all the static content that will be used in your app. It can include images, other files that should not be present in the src folder. These files will be copied directly to the output folder, where it would be used with rest of the HTML files.

This folder contains the JavaScript plugin files that would be used in the site. They should be manually registered in the config file.

Required file

The config file is called pencil.config.js which is a file that exports a JavaScript object that contains all the options for Pencil:

module.exports = {
  head: {
    title: 'Pencil site'
  themeColor: '#287BE1'

Options can be modified as and when required in your site.

The config file should not be relocated, and is always present at the root of your project folder.

Check config reference to see the full list of options that can added to Pencil